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Onkyo Integra Serial Control Protocol Ipv4

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by cunesotae1975 2021. 6. 1. 08:24


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  • You can now get serial control over an Integra TUN-3. Integra is well know for its first class electronics and solid protocols. This is a library and a GUI to communicate with Onkyo AV receivers over the network.
  • This binding is compatible with Onkyo AV receivers which support ISCP (Integra Serial Control Protocol) over Ethernet (eISCP) and serial ports. There is also a binding specifically for openHAB 2 here.
  • I found a forum post with the full command table for the Integra Serial Control Protocol (ISCP) that Onkyo / Integra equipment uses; it’s usually only distributed to dealers. To test the serial communication, I first tried opening a terminal attached to the tty device.
  • Onkyo Receiver (AVR) Plugin. The Onkyo Audio Video Receiver is a networked receiver that is capable of being controlled through the eISCP protocol. This plugin can be used to trigger scenes on your Vera device automatically when the device is turned on. This plugin will also allow you to control most of its features which include: Power Volume.
  • # Onkyo Binding. This binding integrates the Onkyo AV receivers. # Introduction. Binding should be compatible with Onkyo AV receivers which support ISCP (Integra Serial Control Protocol) over Ethernet (eISCP). # Supported Things. This binding supports only one thing: The Onkyo AV Receiver.

Java eISCP - Integra Serial Control Protocol (PART 2) posted Dec 9. This is the second part of my description of the work I have done on a Java client implementation of the ethernet Integra Serial Control Protocol (eISCP). It allows you to communicate and control various Onkyo or Integra receivers over an ethernet network connection. Whitney young health center.

Java eISCP - Integra Serial Control Protocol (PART 2)

posted Dec 9, 2012, 11:12 AM by Tom Gutwin [ updated May 14, 2014, 7:52 PM]

Internet Protocol Ipv4

This is the second part of my description of the work I have done on a Java client implementation of the ethernet Integra Serial Control Protocol (eISCP).
My initial work is in an earlier post. I am working with an Onkyo NR5008. The protocol is specified in the Integra/Onkyo docs. It allows you to communicate and control various Onkyo or Integra receivers over an ethernet network connection.
I have implemented this eISCP protocol in a Java App.
See the Eiscp.java file. The main method has a sample implementation.
The source and a signed jar file (that also include the source files) are attached at the bottom of this page.
The jar file should work for you AS-IS:
java -jar eiscp.jar [hostIP] command [commandArgs]
- hostIP is optional and defaults to
- command is NOT optional
run the jar without any commandline args to see the list of available commands.

Description of changes

I finally found some time to go back and work more on my Java eISCP client.
I added:
  • proper response processing (and fixed a memory bug)
  • all the NET USB commands
  • Zone 2 and other commands

Response Processing

The previous version of my client did not properly handle the responses received from the Onkyo. I added full parsing of the responses that get sent back from the receiver.
The Receiver sends back multiple responses. Why, I am not sure. The Integra/Onkyo docs don't really say.
You will see many inline print/debug statements that can be used to see what is being sent back after a query message is sent to the receiver.
  • Notes:
    • Multiple response packets will come back
    • The Response 'end of packet' is 3 bytes [EOF][CR][LF]
    • NR-5008 sends 0x1a 0x0d 0x0a
      • The docs don't clearly state this

Right now, the returned response message that directly related to the query message sent is printed to the console.
I don't do anything more with it, except for the 'NETUSB_PLAY_STATUS_QUERY' command. For this one, I decipher the results and add some human readable information.
I use two methods to handle sending the QUERY command and then then processing the responses.
* Sends to command to the receiver and then waits for the response(s). The responses often have nothing to do with the command sent
* so this method can filter them to return only the responses related to the command sent.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @param closeSocket flag to close the connection when done or leave it open.
* @param returnAll flags if all response packetMessages are returned, if no then ONLY the ones related to the command requested
* @return the response to the command
public String sendQueryCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket, boolean returnAll)
This method can filter the responses and return ONLY the ones related to the command you originally sent to the receiver.
I originally found that the receiver was sending back 'status' messages for other things that I did not care about, so this method reads all the responses and then selectivly (using the returnAll parameter) return the results.
/** This method reads ALL responses (possibly more than one) after a query command.
* @return an array of the data portion of the response messages only - There might be more than one response message received.
public Vector <String> readQueryResponses()
This method does the byte by byte processing and removes all the packet wrappers, pulls out the responseMessage to be returned in the returnvalue.
It splits the responses into individual message strings that get added to the return value Vector.


I abstracted all the commands in HashMaps in a separate class, IscpCommands.java, to hold all the commands and command names so it is easier to process them. The class also has a few helper methods.
Originally this was all embedded in Eiscp but it is now split out.

Each command gets a
  • class constant (int),
  • commandName to class constant lookup HashMap ,
  • command classConstant to eISCP commandMessage string.
I also have a few get methods to help with the command lookups.
If the command expects a response back from the receiver, the commandName ends with '_QUERY'.
Eiscp.java depends on this IscpCommands.java class.

Java Code

The newest version of my code can bes used as per the GNU license.


  • Java doc API can be viewed.
Source Code is available at:
  1. through my AstroVersion online subversion viewer (with full diff viewing).
  2. It is attached to this post. (way down at the bottom)
  3. or see below for the Java source code.
The main method shows how to implement this class in your own app. Its pretty simple:
  1. Instantiate the class with your receiver's IP address
    • Eiscp instance = new Eiscp('your.onkyo.ip.addr');
    • IscpCommands iscpCommands = IscpCommands.getInstance();
  2. send a message to it
    • String resp = instance.sendQueryCommand(iscpCommands.VOLUME_QUERY);
      • The commands that I have pre-programmed are all in the IscpCommands Class Constants. I have programmed most of them.
      • The response that comes back from the Integra/Onkyo includes many that are not related to the queried command, so by default my method returns ONLY the responses associated query. You can override this if you want.
  3. parse the returned response (if it was a QUERY command)
    • System.out.println(resp);


* $URL: svn://svn/open/trunk/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/tools/eiscp/Eiscp.java $
* $Author: tgutwin $
* $Revision: 611 $
* $Date: 2014-01-17 21:12:40 -0800 (Fri, 17 Jan 2014) $
* Written by Tom Gutwin - WebARTS Design.
* Copyright (C) 2012 WebARTS Design, North Vancouver Canada
* http://www.webarts.bc.ca
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without_ even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package ca.bc.webarts.tools.eiscp;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
* A class that wraps the comunication to Onkyo/Integra devices using the
* ethernet Integra Serial Control Protocal (eISCP). This class uses class
* constants and commandMaps to help handling of the many iscp Commands.
* <br />
* The Message packet looks like:<br />
* <img src='http://tom.webarts.ca/_/rsrc/1320209141605/Blog/new-blog-items/javaeiscp-integraserialcontrolprotocol/eISCP-Packet.png' border='1'/>
* <br /> See also <a href='http://tom.webarts.ca/Blog/new-blog-items/javaeiscp-integraserialcontrolprotocol' > tom.webarts.ca</a> writeup.
* @author Tom Gutwin P.Eng
public class Eiscp
/** A holder for this clients System File Separator. */
public final static String SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR = File.separator;
/** A holder for this clients System line termination separator. */
public final static String SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR =
/** The VM classpath (used in some methods). */
public static String CLASSPATH = System.getProperty('class.path');
/** The users home ditrectory. */
public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty('user.home');
/** The users pwd ditrectory. */
public static String USERDIR = System.getProperty('user.dir');
/** A holder This classes name (used when logging). */
private static String CLASSNAME = 'ca.bc.webarts.tools.eiscp.Eiscp';
/** Class flag signifying if the initUtil method has been called */
private static boolean classInit = false;
/** Class flag signifying if debugging_ messages are ptinted */
private static boolean debugging_ = false;
/** default receiver IP Address. **/
private static final String DEFAULT_EISCP_IP = '';
/** Instantiated class IP for the receiver to communicate with. **/
private String receiverIP_ = DEFAULT_EISCP_IP;
/** default eISCP port. **/
private static final int DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT = 60128;
/** Instantiated class Port for the receiver to communicate with. **/
private int receiverPort_ = DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT;
/** the socket for communication - the protocol spec says to use one socket connection AND HOLD ONTO IT for re-use. **/
private static Socket eiscpSocket_ = null;
/** the timeout in ms for socket reads. **/
private static int socketTimeOut_ = 500;
private static ObjectOutputStream out_ = null;
private static DataInputStream in_ = null;
private static boolean connected_ = false;
private static IscpCommands iscp_ = IscpCommands.getInstance();
/** Maps the class contant vars to the eiscp command string. **/
private static HashMap<Integer, String> commandMap_ = null;
/** Maps a Readable string to a corresponding class var. **/
private static HashMap<String, Integer> commandNameMap_ = null;
/** Var to hold the volume level to or from a message. **/
private static int volume_ = 32;
private static StringBuffer helpMsg_ = new StringBuffer(SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR);
/** Simple class Constructor (using deafult IP and port) that gets all the class command constants set-up along with their command lookup maps (commandNameMap_ and commandMap_) . **/
public Eiscp()
/** Constructor that takes your receivers ip and default port, gets all the class command
* constants set-up along with their command lookup maps (commandNameMap_ and commandMap_) .
public Eiscp(String ip)
if (ipnull || ip.equals('))
/** Constructor that takes your receivers ip and port, gets all the class command
* constants set-up along with their command lookup maps (commandNameMap_ and commandMap_) .
public Eiscp(String ip, int eiscpPort)
if (ipnull || ip.equals('))
if (eiscpPort<1 )
/** Makes Chocolate glazed doughnuts. **/
public void setReceiverIP( String ip) { receiverIP_ = ip;}
/** Makes Sprinkle doughnuts. **/
public String getReceiverIP() {return receiverIP_;}
/** Makes mini doughnuts. **/
public void setReceiverPort( int port) { receiverPort_ = port;}
/** Makes glazed doughnuts. **/
public int getReceiverPort() {return receiverPort_;}
* Connects to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the DEFaULT IP and DEFAULT eISCP port.
public boolean connectSocket() { return connectSocket(null, -1);}
* Connects to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the DEFAULT eISCP port.
public boolean connectSocket(String ip) { return connectSocket(ip,-1);}
* Connects to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the eISCP port.
public boolean connectSocket(String ip, int eiscpPort)
if (ipnull || ip.equals(')) ip=receiverIP_;
if (eiscpPort<1 ) eiscpPort=receiverPort_;
if (eiscpSocket_null || !connected_ || !eiscpSocket_.isConnected())
//1. creating a socket to connect to the server
eiscpSocket_ = new Socket(ip, eiscpPort);
System.out.println('Connected to '+ip+' on port '+eiscpPort);
//2. get Input and Output streams
out_ = new ObjectOutputStream(eiscpSocket_.getOutputStream());
in_ = new DataInputStream(eiscpSocket_.getInputStream());
// System.out.println('inInit');
connected_ = true;
catch(UnknownHostException unknownHost)
System.err.println('You are trying to connect to an unknown host!');
catch(IOException ioException)
System.err.println('Can't Connect: '+ioException.getMessage());
return connected_;
* Tests the Connection to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the DEFaULT IP and DEFAULT eISCP port.
* @return true if already connected or can connect, and false if can't connect
public boolean testConnection() { return testConnection(DEFAULT_EISCP_IP,DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT);}
* Tests the Connection to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the specified IP and DEFAULT eISCP port.
* @param ip is the ip address (as a String) of the AV receiver to connect
* @return true if already connected or can connect, and false if can't connect
public boolean testConnection(String ip) { return testConnection(DEFAULT_EISCP_IP,DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT);}
* test the connection to the receiver by opening a socket connection through the eISCP port AND THEN CLOSES it if it was not already open.
* this method can be used when you need to specificly specify the IP and PORT. If the default port is used then you could also use the
* {@link #testConnection(String) testConnection} method (that used the default port) or the {@link #testConnection() testConnection}
* method (that used the default IP and port).
* @param ip is the ip address (as a String) of the AV receiver to connect
* @param eiscpPort is the IP Port of the AV receiver to connect with (Onkyo's default is 60128)
* @return true if already connected or can connect, and false if can't connect
public boolean testConnection(String ip, int eiscpPort)
boolean retVal = false;
if (ipnull || ip.equals(')) ip=DEFAULT_EISCP_IP;
if (eiscpPort0 ) eiscpPort=DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT;
if (connected_)
// test existing connection
if (eiscpSocket_.isConnected()) retVal = true;
// test a new connection
//1. creating a socket to connect to the server
eiscpSocket_ = new Socket(ip, eiscpPort);
if (eiscpSocket_!=null) eiscpSocket_.close();
retVal = true;
catch(UnknownHostException unknownHost)
System.err.println('You are trying to connect to an unknown host!');
catch(IOException ioException)
System.err.println('Can't Connect: '+ioException.getMessage());
return retVal;
* Closes the socket connection.
* @return true if the closed succesfully
public boolean closeSocket()
//4: Closing connection
boolean acted = false;
if (in_!=null) {in_.close();in_=null;acted = true;}
if (out_!=null) {out_.close();out_=null;acted = true;}
if (eiscpSocket_!=null) {eiscpSocket_.close();eiscpSocket_=null;acted = true;}
if (acted) System.out.println('closed connections');
connected_ = false;
catch(IOException ioException)
return connected_;
/** Converts an ascii decimal String to a hex String.
* @param str holding the string to convert to HEX
* @return a string holding the HEX representation of the passed in decimal str.
public static String convertStringToHex(String str)
return convertStringToHex( str, false);
/** Converts an ascii decimal String to a hex String.
* @param str holding the string to convert to HEX
* @param dumpOut flag to turn some debug output on/off
* @return a string holding the HEX representation of the passed in str.
public static String convertStringToHex(String str, boolean dumpOut)
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
String out_put = ';
if (dumpOut) System.out.println(' Ascii: '+str);
if (dumpOut) System.out.print(' Hex: ');
StringBuffer hex = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
out_put = Integer.toHexString((int)chars[i]);
if (out_put.length()1) hex.append('0');
if (dumpOut) System.out.print('0x'+(out_put.length()1?'0':')+ out_put+' ');
if (dumpOut) System.out.println(');
return hex.toString();
/** Converts an HEX number String to its decimal equivalent.
* @param str holding the Hex Number string to convert to decimal
* @return an int holding the decimal equivalent of the passed in HEX numberStr.
public static int convertHexNumberStringToDecimal(String str)
return convertHexNumberStringToDecimal(str, false);
/** Converts an HEX number String to its decimal equivalent.
* @param str holding the Hex Number string to convert to decimal
* @param dumpOut boolean flag to turn some debug output on/off
* @return an int holding the decimal equivalent of the passed in HEX numberStr.
public static int convertHexNumberStringToDecimal(String str, boolean dumpOut)
char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
String out_put = ';
if (dumpOut) System.out.println(' AsciiHex: 0x'+str);
if (dumpOut) System.out.print( ' Decimal: ');
StringBuffer hex = new StringBuffer();
String hexInt = new String();
for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
out_put = Integer.toHexString((int)chars[i]);
if (out_put.length()1) hex.append('0');
if (dumpOut) System.out.print((out_put.length()1?'0':')+ out_put);
hexInt = '+(Integer.parseInt( hex.toString(), 16));
if (dumpOut) System.out.println(');
if (dumpOut) System.out.println( ' Decimal: '+hexInt.toString());
return Integer.parseInt(hexInt.toString());
//return Integer.decode('0x'+str);
/** Converts a hex byte to an ascii String.
* @param hex byte holding the HEX string to convert back to decimal
* @return a string holding the HEX representation of the passed in str.
public static String convertHexToString(byte hex)
byte [] bytes = {hex};
return convertHexToString( new String(bytes), false);
/** Converts a hex String to an ascii String.
* @param hex the HEX string to convert back to decimal
* @return a string holding the HEX representation of the passed in str.
public static String convertHexToString(String hex)
return convertHexToString( hex, false);
/** Converts a hex String to an ascii String.
* @param hex the HEX string to convert backk to decimal
* @param dumpOut boolean flag to turn some debug output on/off
* @return a string holding the HEX representation of the passed in str.
public static String convertHexToString(String hex, boolean dumpOut)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder();
String out_put = ';
if (dumpOut) System.out.print(' Hex: ');
//49204c6f7665204a617661 split into two characters 49, 20, 4c..
for( int i=0; i<hex.length()-1; i+=2 ){
//grab the hex in pairs
out_put = hex.substring(i, (i + 2));
if (dumpOut) System.out.print('0x'+out_put+' ');
//convert hex to decimal
int decimal = Integer.parseInt(out_put, 16);
//convert the decimal to character
if (dumpOut) System.out.println(' Decimal : ' + temp.toString());
return sb.toString();
* Wraps a command in a eiscp data message (data characters).
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @return StringBuffer holing the full iscp message packet
public StringBuilder getEiscpMessage(int command)
String cmdStr = ';
if (commandiscp_.VOLUME_SET)
cmdStr = getVolumeCmdStr();
cmdStr = iscp_.getCommandStr(command);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int eiscpDataSize = iscp_.getCommandStr(command).length() + 2 ; // this is the eISCP data size
int eiscpMsgSize = eiscpDataSize + 1 + 16 ; // this is the eISCP data size
/* This is where I construct the entire message
character by character. Each char is represented by a 2 disgit hex value */
// the following are all in HEX representing one char
// 4 char Big Endian Header
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('10', 16));
// 4 char Big Endian data size
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
// the official ISCP docs say this is supposed to be just the data size (eiscpDataSize)
// ** BUT **
// It only works if you send the size of the entire Message size (eiscpMsgSize)
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt(Integer.toHexString(eiscpMsgSize), 16));
// eiscp_version = '01';
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('01', 16));
// 3 chars reserved = '00'+'00'+'00';
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('00', 16));
// eISCP data
// Start Character
// eISCP data - unittype char '1' is receiver
// eISCP data - 3 char command and param ie PWR01
// msg end - EOF
sb.append((char)Integer.parseInt('0D', 16));
System.out.println(' eISCP data size: '+eiscpDataSize +'(0x'+Integer.toHexString(eiscpDataSize) +') chars');
System.out.println(' eISCP msg size: '+sb.length() +'(0x'+Integer.toHexString(sb.length()) +') chars');
return sb;
* Sends to command to the receiver and does not wait for a reply.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
public void sendCommand(int command)
sendCommand(command, false);
* Sends to command to the receiver and does not wait for a reply.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @param closeSocket flag to close the connection when done or leave it open.
public void sendCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket)
StringBuilder sb = getEiscpMessage(command);
System.out.println(' sending '+sb.length() +' chars: ');
convertStringToHex(sb.toString(), true);
out_.writeBytes(sb.toString()); // <--- This is the one that works
//out_.writeBytes(convertStringToHex(sb.toString(), false));
//out_.writeChars(convertStringToHex(sb.toString(), false));
System.out.println('sent!' );
catch(IOException ioException)
if (closeSocket) closeSocket();
* Sends to command to the receiver and then waits for the response(s) <br />and returns only the response packetMessages related to the command requested<br />and closes the socket.
* if you want to see ALL the responses use the sendQueryCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket, boolean returnAll) method.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @return the response to the command
public String sendQueryCommand(int command)
return sendQueryCommand( command, false);
* Sends to command to the receiver and then waits for the response(s) <br />and returns only the response packetMessages related to the command requested.
* if you want to see ALL the responses use the sendQueryCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket, boolean returnAll) method.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @param closeSocket flag to close the connection when done or leave it open.
* @return the response to the command
public String sendQueryCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket)
return sendQueryCommand( command, closeSocket, false);
* Sends to command to the receiver and then waits for the response(s). The responses often have nothing to do with the command sent
* so this method can filter them to return only the responses related to the command sent.
* @param command must be one of the Command Class Constants from the eiscp.Eiscp.Command class.
* @param closeSocket flag to close the connection when done or leave it open.
* @param returnAll flags if all response packetMessages are returned, if no then ONLY the ones related to the command requested
* @return the response to the command
public String sendQueryCommand(int command, boolean closeSocket, boolean returnAll)
String retVal = ';
/* Send The Command and then.. */
//sleep(50); // docs say so
/* now listen for the response. */
Vector <String> rv = null;
rv = readQueryResponses();
rv = readQueryResponses(command);
String currResponse = ';
for (int i=0; i < rv.size(); i++)
currResponse = (String) rv.elementAt(i);
/* Send ALL responses OR just the one related to the commad sent??? */
if (returnAll || currResponse.startsWith(iscp_.getCommandStr(command).substring(0,3)))
retVal+= currResponse+'n';
if (closeSocket) closeSocket();
return retVal ;
* This method reads ALL responses (possibly more than one) after a query command.
* @return an array of the data portion of the response messages only - There might be more than one response message received.
public Vector <String> readQueryResponses() { return readQueryResponses(-1);}
* This method reads responses (possibly more than one) after a query command. It can end
* early when it finds the respose you are waitng for by passing in the command you called.
* @param command is used to end the response processing early when it finds the command - if you want all responses processed pass in -1
* @return an array of the data portion of the response messages only - There might be more than one response message received.
public Vector <String> readQueryResponses(int command)
//boolean debugging = debugging_;
boolean foundCommand = false;
Vector <String> retVal = new Vector <String> ();
byte [] responseBytes = new byte[32] ;
String currResponse = ';
int numBytesReceived = 0;
int totBytesReceived = 0;
int i=0;
int packetCounter=0;
int headerSizeDecimal = 0;
int dataSizeDecimal = 0;
char endChar1 ='!';// NR-5008 response sends 3 chars to terminate the packet - 0x1a 0x0d 0x0a
char endChar2 ='!';
char endChar3 ='!';
if (debugging_) System.out.println('nReading Response Packet');
eiscpSocket_.setSoTimeout(socketTimeOut_); // this must be set or the following read will BLOCK / hang the method when the messages are done
while(!foundCommand && ((numBytesReceived = in_.read(responseBytes))>0) )
totBytesReceived = 0;
StringBuilder msgBuffer = new StringBuilder(');
if (debugging_) System.out.println('n*n*n*n*Buffering bytes: '+numBytesReceived);
if (debugging_) System.out.print( ' Packet'+'['+packetCounter+']:');
/* Read ALL the incoming Bytes and buffer them */
// *******************************************
while(numBytesReceived>0 )
msgBuffer.append(new String(responseBytes));
responseBytes = new byte[32];
numBytesReceived = 0;
if (in_.available()>0)
numBytesReceived = in_.read(responseBytes);
if (debugging_) System.out.print(' '+numBytesReceived);
if (debugging_) System.out.println();
convertStringToHex(msgBuffer.toString(), debugging_);
/* Response is done.. process it into dataMessages */
// *******************************************
char [] responseChars = msgBuffer.toString().toCharArray(); // use the charArray to step through
msgBuffer = null;// clear for garbageCollection
if (debugging_) System.out.println('responseChars.length='+responseChars.length);
int responseByteCnt = 0;
char versionChar = '1';
char dataStartChar = '!';
char dataUnitChar = '1';
char [] headerSizeBytes = new char[4];
char [] dataSizeBytes = new char[4];
char [] dataMessage = null ; //init dynamically
int dataByteCnt = 0;
String dataMsgStr = ';
// loop through all the chars and split out the dataMessages
while (!foundCommand && (responseByteCnt< totBytesReceived))
/* read Header */
// 1st 4 chars are the leadIn
// read headerSize
// 4 char Big Endian data size;
if (debugging_) System.out.println(' -HeaderSize-');
headerSizeDecimal = convertHexNumberStringToDecimal(new String(headerSizeBytes),debugging_);
if (debugging_) System.out.println(' -DataSize-');
dataSizeDecimal = convertHexNumberStringToDecimal(new String(dataSizeBytes),true);//debugging_);
// version
versionChar = responseChars[responseByteCnt++];
// 3 reserved bytes
dataByteCnt = 0;
// Now the data message
dataStartChar = responseChars[responseByteCnt++]; // parse and throw away (like parsley)
dataUnitChar = responseChars[responseByteCnt++]; // dito
dataMessage = null;
System.out.println('new dataMessage['+dataSizeDecimal+']');
dataMessage = new char [dataSizeDecimal];
dataMessage= new char[0];
System.out.println('error data message size hexVal='+dataSizeBytes);
/* Get the dataMessage from this response */
// NR-5008 response sends 3 chars to terminate the packet - so DON't include them in the message
while( dataByteCnt < (dataSizeDecimal-5) && responseByteCnt< (totBytesReceived-3))
dataMessage[dataByteCnt++] = responseChars[responseByteCnt++];
dataMsgStr = new String(dataMessage);
if (debugging_) System.out.println('dataMessage:n~~~~~~~~~~~~~');
if (debugging_) System.out.println(dataMsgStr);
// Read the end packet char(s) '[EOF]'
// [EOF] End of File ASCII Code 0x1A
// NOTE: the end of packet char (0x1A) for a response message is DIFFERENT that the sent message
// NOTE: ITs also different than what is in the Onkyo eISCP docs
// NR-5008 sends 3 chars to terminate the packet - 0x1a 0x0d 0x0a
endChar1 = responseChars[responseByteCnt++];
endChar2 = responseChars[responseByteCnt++];
endChar3 = responseChars[responseByteCnt++];
if (endChar1 (char)Integer.parseInt('1A', 16) &&
endChar2 (char)Integer.parseInt('0D', 16) &&
endChar3 (char)Integer.parseInt('0A', 16)
) if (debugging_) System.out.println(' EndOfPacket['+packetCounter+']n');
// Now check if we end early
if (command!=-1 && dataMsgStr.startsWith(iscp_.getCommandStr(command).substring(0,3)))
foundCommand = true;
if (debugging_) System.out.println('Found Response:'+iscp_.getCommandStr(command));
}// done packet
} // check for more data
catch( java.net.SocketTimeoutException noMoreDataException)
if (debugging_) System.out.println('Response Done: ' );
catch(EOFException eofException)
System.out.println('received: '+retVal+'' );
catch(IOException ioException)
System.out.println('!!Not Connected to Receive ');
return retVal;
/** This method creates the set volume command based on the passed value. **/
public static String getVolumeCmdStr(){return iscp_.getVolumeCmdStr(volume_);}
/** Converts the VOLUME_QUERY response into ascii decimal result. **/
public static String decipherVolumeResponse(String queryResponses)
String [] responses = queryResponses.split('[n]');
String retVal = 'VOLUME_QUERY response: ';
String queryResponse = ';
String volVal = '00';
Integer IntVal = Integer.decode('0x'+volVal);
for (int i=0; i< responses.length; i++)
queryResponse = responses[i];
if (queryResponse.startsWith(iscp_.getCommandStr(iscp_.VOLUME_SET)))
volVal = queryResponse.trim().substring(3);
IntVal = Integer.decode('0x'+volVal);
retVal +='n Volume=' + IntVal;
retVal +=' (0x' + volVal +')n';
catch (Exception ex)
// Ignore for now
return retVal;
/** This method takes the 3 character response from the USB Play status query (NETUSB_PLAY_STATUS_QUERY) and creates a human readable String.
* NET/USB Play Status QUERY returns one of 3 letters - PRS.<oL>
* <LI>p -> Play Status<ul><li>'S': STOP</li><li>'P': Play</li><li>'p': Pause</li><li>'F': FF</li><li>'R': FastREW</li></ul></LI>
* <LI>r -> Repeat Status<ul><li>'-': Off</li><li>'R': All</li><li>'F': Folder</li><li>'1': Repeat 1</li></ul></LI>
* <LI>s -> Shuffle Status<ul><li>'-': Off</li><li>'S': All</li><li>'A': Album</li><li>'F': Folder</li></ul></LI></oL>
* @param queryResponses is the entire response packet with the oneOf3 char reply embedded in it.
public String decipherUsbPlayStatusResponse(String queryResponses)
String [] responses = queryResponses.split('[n]');
String retVal = 'NETUSB_PLAY_STATUS_QUERY response: '+ queryResponses.trim();
String queryResponse = ';
for (int i=0; i< responses.length; i++)
queryResponse = responses[i];
if (queryResponse.substring(3,4).equals('P') )
retVal += 'n Play Status: ';
if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('S') )
retVal +='Stop';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('P') )
retVal +='Play';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('p') )
retVal +='Pause';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('F') )
retVal +='FastForward';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('R') )
retVal +='FastRewind';
else retVal+= 'NotSpecified';
if (queryResponse.substring(3,4).equals('R') )
retVal += 'n Repeat Status: ';
if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('-') )
retVal +='Off';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('R') )
retVal +='All';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('F') )
retVal +='Folder';
else if (queryResponse.substring(5).equals('1') )
retVal +='1 song';
else retVal+= 'NotSpecified';
if (queryResponse.substring(3,4).equals('S') )
retVal += 'n Schuffle Status: ';
if (queryResponse.trim().substring(5).equals('-') )
retVal +='Off';
else if (queryResponse.trim().substring(5).equals('S') )
retVal +='All';
else if (queryResponse.trim().substring(5).equals('A') )
retVal +='Album';
else if (queryResponse.trim().substring(5).equals('F') )
retVal +='Folder';
else retVal+= 'NotSpecified';
return retVal;
* A method to simply abstract the Try/Catch required to put the current
* thread to sleep for the specified time in ms.
* @param waitTime the sleep time in milli seconds (ms).
* @return boolean value specifying if the sleep completed (true) or was interupted (false).
public boolean sleep(long waitTime)
boolean retVal = true;
* BLOCK for the spec'd time
catch (InterruptedException iex)
retVal = false;
return retVal;
/** gets the help as a String.
* @return the helpMsg in String form
private static String getHelpMsgStr() {return getHelpMsg().toString();}
/** initializes and gets the helpMsg_
class var.
* @return the class var helpMsg_
private static StringBuffer getHelpMsg()
helpMsg_ = new StringBuffer(SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR);
helpMsg_.append('--- WebARTS Eiscp Class -----------------------------------------------------');
helpMsg_.append('--- $Revision: 611 $ $Date: 2014-01-17 21:12:40 -0800 (Fri, 17 Jan 2014) $ ---');
helpMsg_.append('WebARTS Eiscp Class');
helpMsg_.append(' java ');
helpMsg_.append(' command [commandArgs]');
helpMsg_.append('Available Commands:');
/* now add all the commands available */
Iterator<String> it =iscp_.getIterator();
while( it.hasNext())
helpMsg_.append('--> '+it.next());
return helpMsg_;
* Class main commandLine entry method.
public static void main(String [] args)
final String methodName = CLASSNAME + ': main()';
Eiscp instance = new Eiscp(DEFAULT_EISCP_IP, DEFAULT_EISCP_PORT);
/* Simple way af parsing the args */
if (args null || args.length<1)
if (args[0].equals('test'))
System.out.println('Testing Eiscp');
String queryResponse = instance.sendQueryCommand(iscp_.VOLUME_QUERY);
String volumeResponse = instance.decipherVolumeResponse(queryResponse);
// Parse the command
int command = -1;
String commandStr = ';
// TODO: Set up a loop to handle multiple commands/args in one run with one socket connection
command =iscp_.getCommand(args[0].toUpperCase()); //returns -1 if not found
/* Special case VOLUME_SET command needs to parse a parameter. */
if ( command iscp_.VOLUME_SET ) instance.setVolume(Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
System.out.println('command: '+commandStr);
String queryResponse = ';
if (command!=-1)
/* It is a query command so send AND parse response */
if(args[0].endsWith('QUERY') )
//send the command and get the response
queryResponse = instance.sendQueryCommand(command, true, false);
System.out.print('Responses: n ' +queryResponse);
if (queryResponse!=null && !queryResponse.equals('))
if (commandiscp_.NETUSB_PLAY_STATUS_QUERY)
else if (commandiscp_.VOLUME_QUERY)
System.out.println(' ='+ iscp_.getCommandName(queryResponse.trim()));
System.out.println('n'+ args[0]+'('+commandStr +') response: EMPTY');
/* It is a basic change setting command (with no response) */
instance.sendCommand(command); //send the command
} // main
* get the class volume_.
* @return the volume_
public int getVolume()
return volume_;
/** sets the class volume_.
* @param volume the value to set the class volume_
public void setVolume(int volume)
volume_ = volume;
/** Toggles the MUTE setting.
public void toggleMute()
String queryResponse = sendQueryCommand(IscpCommands.MUTE_QUERY);
if (true || debugging_) System.out.print('Responses: n ' +queryResponse.trim() + '('+iscp_.getCommandName(queryResponse.trim())+')');
if ( iscp_.getCommandName(queryResponse.trim()).equals('UNMUTE'))
if (true || debugging_) System.out.println('nMuting .');
if (true || debugging_) System.out.println('nUN-Muting .');
} // class


* $URL: svn://svn/open/trunk/projects/WebARTS/ca/bc/webarts/tools/eiscp/IscpCommands.java $
* $Author: $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: $
* Written by Tom Gutwin - WebARTS Design.
* Copyright (C) 2012 WebARTS Design, North Vancouver Canada
* http://www.webarts.bc.ca
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without_ even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package ca.bc.webarts.tools.eiscp;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
* A class that wraps the Onkyo/Integra Serial Control Protocol (eISCP) messages that can be sent in a packet.
* This class uses class constants and commandMaps to help handling of the many iscp Commands.
* <br /><br />
* The Message packet looks like:<br />
* <img src='http://tom.webarts.ca/_/rsrc/1320209141605/Blog/new-blog-items/javaeiscp-integraserialcontrolprotocol/eISCP-Packet.png' border='1'/>
* <br /> See also <a href='http://tom.webarts.ca/Blog/new-blog-items/javaeiscp-integraserialcontrolprotocol' > tom.webarts.ca</a> writeup.
* @author Tom Gutwin P.Eng
public class IscpCommands
/** A holder for this clients System File Separator. */
//public final static String SYSTEM_FILE_SEPERATOR = File.separator;
/** A holder for this clients System line termination separator. */
public final static String SYSTEM_LINE_SEPERATOR = System.getProperty('line.separator');
/** The VM classpath (used in some methods). */
public static String CLASSPATH = System.getProperty('class.path');
/** The users home ditrectory. */
public static String USERHOME = System.getProperty('user.home');
/** The users pwd ditrectory. */
public static String USERDIR = System.getProperty('user.dir');
/** A holder This classes name (used when logging). */
private static String CLASSNAME = 'ca.bc.webarts.tools.eiscp.IscpCommands';
/** Class flag signifying if the initUtil method has been called */
private static boolean classInit_ = false;
/** Maps the class contant vars to the eiscp command string. **/
private static HashMap<Integer, String> commandMap_ = null;
/** Maps a Readable string to a corresponding class var. **/
private static HashMap<String, Integer> commandNameMap_ = null;
private static IscpCommands instance_ = null;
private IscpCommands()
instance_ = this;
/** Singleton method to ensure all is setup. **/
public static IscpCommands getInstance()
if (instance_!=null)
return instance_;
return new IscpCommands();
* Gets an iterator of all commandNames.
* @return the commandNames iterator as Strings
public Iterator<String> getIterator()
TreeSet <String> ts = new TreeSet<String>(commandNameMap_.keySet());
Iterator<String> it =ts.tailSet(').iterator();
return it;
/** searches for the commandName that is associated with the passed command.
* @param commandStr the iscp command to get a commandName key
* @return the commandNameMap_ key
public String getCommandName(String commandStr)
String retVal = ';
int command = -1;
for (int i=0; i< eCnt; i++)
if (((String)commandMap_.get(i)).equals(commandStr)) command = i;
if (command!=-1)
Iterator it = commandNameMap_.keySet().iterator();
int curr = -1;
String currStr = ';
while (it.hasNext())
currStr = (String)it.next();
curr = commandNameMap_.get(currStr);
if (currcommand) retVal = currStr;
return retVal;
/** searches for the command constant that is associated with the passed command name.
* @param commandName a string representation of command referencing the iscp command
* @return the iscp command constant reference or -1 if not found
public int getCommand(String commandName)
int retVal = -1;
retVal = commandNameMap_.get(commandName);
return retVal;
/** searches for the command that is associated with the passed command constant.
* @param command the command referencing the iscp command constant
* @return the iscp command string (example 'SLI10') or and empty String if not found
public String getCommandStr(int command)
String retVal = ';
retVal = commandMap_.get(command);
return retVal;
/** searches for the command that is associated with the passed commandName.
* @param commandName the commandName key referencing the iscp command str
* @return the iscp command string (example 'SLI10')
public String getCommandStr(String commandName)
int command = -1;
if (commandNameMap_.containsKey(commandName));
command = commandNameMap_.get(commandName);
return commandMap_.get(command);
/** This method creates the set volume command based on the passed value. **/
public static String getVolumeCmdStr(int volume){return 'MVL'+Integer.toHexString(volume);}
/** Initializes all the class constants (commandNameMap_ & commandMap_ ) that help with processing the commands.
private void initCommandMap()
commandNameMap_ = new HashMap<String, Integer>(eCnt);
commandMap_ = new HashMap<Integer, String>(eCnt);
classInit_ = true;
commandNameMap_.put('POWER_OFF', POWER_OFF);
commandNameMap_.put('POWER_ON', POWER_ON);
commandNameMap_.put('POWER_QUERY', POWER_QUERY);
commandNameMap_.put('UNMUTE', UNMUTE);
commandNameMap_.put('MUTE', MUTE);
commandNameMap_.put('MUTE_QUERY', MUTE_QUERY);
commandNameMap_.put('VOLUME_UP', VOLUME_UP);
commandNameMap_.put('VOLUME_DOWN', VOLUME_DOWN);
commandNameMap_.put('VOLUME_QUERY', VOLUME_QUERY);
commandNameMap_.put('VOLUME_SET', VOLUME_SET);
commandNameMap_.put('SET_VOLUME', VOLUME_SET);
commandNameMap_.put('VOLUME', VOLUME_SET);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_DVR', SOURCE_DVR);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_GAME', SOURCE_GAME);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_AUXILIARY', SOURCE_AUX);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_AUX', SOURCE_AUX);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_VIDEO5', SOURCE_VIDEO5);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_PC', SOURCE_COMPUTER);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_BLURAY', SOURCE_BLURAY);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_TAPE1', SOURCE_TAPE1);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_TAPE2', SOURCE_TAPE2);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_PHONO', SOURCE_PHONO);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_CD', SOURCE_CD);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_FM', SOURCE_FM);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_AM', SOURCE_AM);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_TUNER', SOURCE_TUNER);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_USB', SOURCE_USB);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_USB_BACK', SOURCE_USB_BACK);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_SIRIUS', SOURCE_SIRIUS);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_UP', SOURCE_UP);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_DOWN', SOURCE_DOWN);
commandNameMap_.put('SOURCE_QUERY', SOURCE_QUERY);
commandNameMap_.put('VIDEO_WIDE_AUTO', VIDEO_WIDE_AUTO);
commandNameMap_.put('VIDEO_WIDE_43', VIDEO_WIDE_43);
commandNameMap_.put('VIDEO_WIDE_FULL', VIDEO_WIDE_FULL);
commandNameMap_.put('VIDEO_WIDE_ZOOM', VIDEO_WIDE_ZOOM);
commandNameMap_.put('VIDEO_WIDE_NEXT', VIDEO_WIDE_NEXT);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_POWER_ON', ZONE2_POWER_ON);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_POWER_SBY', ZONE2_POWER_SBY);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_POWER_QUERY', ZONE2_POWER_QUERY);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_SOURCE_DVR', ZONE2_SOURCE_DVR);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_SOURCE_GAME', ZONE2_SOURCE_GAME);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_SOURCE_AUX', ZONE2_SOURCE_AUX);
commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_SOURCE_VIDEO5', ZONE2_SOURCE_VIDEO5);
//commandNameMap_.put('ZONE2_SOURCE_OFF', ZONE2_SOURCE_OFF); // not supported
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_PLAY' , NETUSB_OP_PLAY);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_STOP' , NETUSB_OP_STOP);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_PAUSE' , NETUSB_OP_PAUSE);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_FF' , NETUSB_OP_FF);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_REW' , NETUSB_OP_REW);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_RIGHT' , NETUSB_OP_RIGHT);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_LEFT' , NETUSB_OP_LEFT);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_UP' , NETUSB_OP_UP);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_DOWN' , NETUSB_OP_DOWN);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_1' , NETUSB_OP_1);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_2' , NETUSB_OP_2);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_3' , NETUSB_OP_3);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_4' , NETUSB_OP_4);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_5' , NETUSB_OP_5);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_6' , NETUSB_OP_6);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_7' , NETUSB_OP_7);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_8' , NETUSB_OP_8);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_9' , NETUSB_OP_9);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_0' , NETUSB_OP_0);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_CAPS' , NETUSB_OP_CAPS);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_SETUP' , NETUSB_OP_SETUP);
commandNameMap_.put('NETUSB_OP_MENU' , NETUSB_OP_MENU);
commandMap_.put(POWER_OFF, 'PWR00');
commandMap_.put(POWER_ON , 'PWR01');
commandMap_.put(POWER_QUERY , 'PWRQSTN');
commandMap_.put(UNMUTE , 'AMT00');
commandMap_.put(MUTE , 'AMT01');
commandMap_.put(MUTE_QUERY , 'AMTQSTN');
commandMap_.put(VOLUME_UP , 'MVLUP');
commandMap_.put(VOLUME_DOWN , 'MVLDOWN');
commandMap_.put(VOLUME_QUERY , 'MVLQSTN');
commandMap_.put(VOLUME_SET , 'MVL');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_DVR , 'SLI00');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_SATELLITE , 'SLI01');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_GAME , 'SLI02');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_AUX , 'SLI03');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_VIDEO5 , 'SLI04');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_COMPUTER , 'SLI05');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_BLURAY , 'SLI10');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_TAPE1 , 'SLI20');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_TAPE2 , 'SLI21');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_PHONO , 'SLI22');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_CD , 'SLI23');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_FM , 'SLI24');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_AM , 'SLI25');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_TUNER , 'SLI26');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_MUSICSERVER , 'SLI27');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_INTERETRADIO , 'SLI28');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_USB , 'SLI29');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_USB_BACK , 'SLI2A');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_NETWORK , 'SLI2C');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_MULTICH , 'SLI30');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_SIRIUS , 'SLI32');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_UP , 'SLIUP');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_DOWN , 'SLIDOWN');
commandMap_.put(SOURCE_QUERY , 'SLIQSTN');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_AUTO , 'VWM00');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_43 , 'VWM01');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_FULL , 'VWM02');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_ZOOM , 'VWM03');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_WIDEZOOM , 'VWM04');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_SMARTZOOM , 'VWM05');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_NEXT , 'VWMUP');
commandMap_.put(VIDEO_WIDE_QUERY , 'VWMQSTN');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_STEREO , 'LMD00');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_AUDYSSEY_DSX , 'LMD16');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_PLII_MOVIE_DSX , 'LMDA0');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_PLII_MUSIC_DSX , 'LMDA1');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_PLII_GAME_DSX , 'LMDA2');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_NEO_CINEMA_DSX , 'LMDA3');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_NEO_MUSIC_DSX , 'LMDA4');
commandMap_.put(LISTEN_MODE_QUERY , 'LMDQSTN');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_POWER_ON, 'ZPW01');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_POWER_SBY, 'ZPW00');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_POWER_QUERY, 'ZPWQSTN');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_DVR, 'SLZ00');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_SATELLITE, 'SLZ01');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_GAME, 'SLZ02');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_AUX, 'SLZ03');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_VIDEO5, 'SLZ04');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_COMPUTER, 'SLZ05');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_BLURAY, 'SLZ10');
commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_QUERY, 'SLZQSTN');
//commandMap_.put(ZONE2_SOURCE_OFF, 'SLZ7F'); // not supported
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_PLAY , 'NTCPLAY');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_STOP , 'NTCSTOP');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_PAUSE , 'NTCPAUSE');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_TRACKUP , 'NTCTRUP');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_TRACKDWN , 'NTCTRDN');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_FF , 'NTCFF');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_REW , 'NTCREW');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_REPEAT , 'NTCREPEAT');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_RANDOM , 'NTCRANDOM');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_RIGHT , 'NTCRIGHT');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_LEFT , 'NTCLEFT');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_UP , 'NTCUP');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_DOWN , 'NTCDOWN');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_SELECT , 'NTCSELECT');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_1 , 'NTC1');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_2 , 'NTC2');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_3 , 'NTC3');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_4 , 'NTC4');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_5 , 'NTC5');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_6 , 'NTC6');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_7 , 'NTC7');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_8 , 'NTC8');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_9 , 'NTC9');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_0 , 'NTC0');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_DELETE , 'NTCDELETE');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_CAPS , 'NTCCAPS');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_SETUP , 'NTCSETUP');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_RETURN , 'NTCRETURN');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_CHANUP , 'NTCCHUP');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_CHANDWN , 'NTCCHDN');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_MENU , 'NTCMENU');
commandMap_.put(NETUSB_OP_TOPMENU , 'NTCTOP');
private static int eCnt = 0;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int POWER_OFF = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int POWER_ON = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int POWER_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int UNMUTE = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int MUTE = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int MUTE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VOLUME_UP = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VOLUME_DOWN = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VOLUME_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VOLUME_SET = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_DVR = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_SATELLITE = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_GAME = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_AUX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_VIDEO5 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_COMPUTER = eCnt++;
//public static final int SOURCE_VIDEO6 = eCnt++;
//public static final int SOURCE_VIDEO7 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_BLURAY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_TAPE1 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_TAPE2 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_PHONO = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_CD = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_FM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_AM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_TUNER = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_MUSICSERVER = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_INTERETRADIO = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_USB = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_USB_BACK = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_NETWORK = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_MULTICH = eCnt++;
//public static final int SOURCE_XM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_SIRIUS = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_UP = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_DOWN = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int SOURCE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_AUTO = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_43 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_FULL = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_ZOOM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_WIDEZOOM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_SMARTZOOM = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_NEXT = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int VIDEO_WIDE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_STEREO = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_ALCHANSTEREO = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_AUDYSSEY_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_PLII_MOVIE_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_PLII_MUSIC_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_PLII_GAME_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_NEO_CINEMA_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_NEO_MUSIC_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_NEURAL_SURROUND_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_NEURAL_DIGITAL_DSX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int LISTEN_MODE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_POWER_ON = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_POWER_SBY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_POWER_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_DVR = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_SATELLITE = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_GAME = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_AUX = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_VIDEO5 = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_COMPUTER = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_BLURAY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int ZONE2_SOURCE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** Command Class Constant mapped to its corresponding iscp command. **/
public static final int NETUSB_OP_PLAY = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_STOP = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_PAUSE = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_TRACKUP = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_TRACKDWN = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_FF = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_REW = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_REPEAT = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_RANDOM = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_DISPLAY = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_RIGHT = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_LEFT = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_UP = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_DOWN = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_SELECT = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_1 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_2 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_3 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_4 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_5 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_6 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_7 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_8 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_9 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_0 = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_DELETE = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_CAPS = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_SETUP = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_RETURN = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_CHANUP = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_CHANDWN = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_MENU = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_OP_TOPMENU = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_SONG_ARTIST_QUERY = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_SONG_ALBUM_QUERY = eCnt++;
public static final int NETUSB_SONG_TITLE_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** NET/USB Time Info (Elapsed time/Track Time Max 99:59). **/
public static final int NETUSB_SONG_ELAPSEDTIME_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** NET/USB Track Info (Current Track/Toral Track Max 9999). **/
public static final int NETUSB_SONG_TRACK_QUERY = eCnt++;
/** NET/USB Play Status QUERY (3 letters - PRS).<UL>
* <LI>p -> Play Status: 'S': STOP, 'P': Play, 'p': Pause, 'F': FF, 'R': FREW</LI>
* <LI>r -> Repeat Status: '-': Off, 'R': All, 'F': Folder, '1': Repeat 1</LI>
* <LI>s -> Shuffle Status: '-': Off, 'S': All , 'A': Album, 'F': Folder</LI></UL>
public static final int NETUSB_PLAY_STATUS_QUERY = eCnt++; //NET/USB Track Info (Current Track/Toral Track Max 9999)
} // class

'Wear Controller for Onkyo' is a Standalone Android Wear 2.0 application that will help you control your Onkyo device over local Wi-Fi network.
App is simple to use, main form gives you frequently used Volume Up and Down controls.
Swipe down to open navigation drawer with: Input Select, Zone Select, Mute Active Zone and Connect/Power Down options.
You can select Volume Level and Active input separately for each Zone.
With Power button in navigation drawer, you will be able to automatically connect to Onkyo device in your wi-fi network or if you are already connected you can Power Down active device.
At the moment application supports one Onkyo device in your local network but in the future we will enable full search and list of all Onkyo devices that support Integra Serial Communication Protocol.
With new releases we will also add more options and let you take full control of your Onkyo device.
Before purchase, please install our Free version of 'Wear Controller for Onkyo' and be sure that this application is compatible with your Onkyo device.
Eligible if bought after 7/2/2016.Learn More
July 10, 2017
3.0 and up
Shift QA Devs

Panasonic Serial Control Protocol

S Main St. 3342

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